Facebook Changes You Need to Know for 2015

In October 2014 nearly a billion people visited Business Pages on Facebook. (Facebook Blog)  Businesses using Facebook correctly know that having an active presence on the platform increases communication and the ability for their company to be found.
Facebook feels that Business Pages are a very important part of their platform and still provide a “free, easy-to-maintain online presence for people to discover and learn about a business.”  (Facebook)  They are also committed to improving Users’ experiences with Facebook as well as providing new and useful features for Business Pages.
Facebook has made a few changes for Business Pages that Admins need to be aware of in 2015.

No More Promotional (Sales-y) Updates/Posts

Facebook surveyed Users and found that people do not want to see the overtly promotion posts in their News Feeds.  As per Facebook this includes:
  1. Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app
  2. Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context
  3. Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads
Promoting and selling organically on Facebook will change.  Business Pages are still an effective way to market business and communicate with customers and potential customers, but if you are looking to promote or sell your products/services you will need to pay for a formal Ad Campaign on Facebook.

Bye-Bye Like Gate (Fan Gate)

A successful way to build a following on Facebook was to provide a coupon, special offer, give-away, etc. on a Facebook Custom Tab with a “Like Gate” in place.  In order to get the deal or enter the contest people had to “Like” the Business Page first.  This helped to grow the Friend count on the Business Page.  As of November 2014 the Like Gate is no longer “legal” on Facebook.
The best way to grow your Friend count is to provide good quality content as the daily Updates and Posts.  Encourage people to Friend your Page because you offer them something.  Provide information about things that matter to them and engage with them.  If you provide solid content and useful information they will Like your Page.

Facebook Search & SEO

In December Facebook announced the ability for Users to search previous Posts.  With a quick search you can find a photo from your graduation, a news article you want to read again or, possibly, a referral for a realtor, plumber or mover one of your Friends posted.  “Search results are personalized and unique to you.”  (Facebook Newsroom)
Facebook just established its own SEO for the archive of public posts.  This search feature is similar to Google.  Businesses that have been using Facebook (and using it correctly) will have the advantage with more content available.  Moving forward Businesses using Facebook will need to focus on keywords and topics that Users may search. 

Call-To-Action Buttons

Facebook is adding seven Call-to-Action buttons that will be available to Business Pages.  Page Admins will be able to add a button to the top of their site.  The buttons are designed to generate engagement and assist in promoting businesses.  These buttons include Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch Video.
The buttons are “designed to bring a business’ most important objective to the forefront of its Facebook presence.”  (Facebook Blog)  The buttons also encourage engagement and interaction with customers and potential customers.  Allowing the business to generate more traffic to their website, App or to encourage new customers to sign up for services or classes. (For more information on these buttons see myPrevious Article.)
Using Facebook to market is an important tool for every business and must be taken seriously.  The increase in rules and new features may require hiring a professional to assist the campaign, but when done right it will only benefit Businesses to use Facebook.

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