Phone and Modem: using the Dialing Rules, Modems, and Advanced settings

The following are descriptions of the settings on the Dialing Rules, Modems, and Advanced tabs in Phone and Modem.
  1. Click to open Phone and Modem.
    If you haven't opened Phone and Modem before, a dialog box will be displayed, prompting you to type your area code and access codes.
  2. Click New, click the Calling Card tab, and then click New.

 Dialing Rules tab

The Dialing Rules tab lists all currently defined dialing locations (sets of rules applied to outgoing phone calls from your computer's modem). Use this tab to add, delete, or configure dialing locations. When you specify the destination phone number, the rules associated with the dialing location determine whether the area code must be included, such as whether a calling card should be used.
The Dialing Rules tab in the Phone and Modem dialog box
The following table describes the options on the Dialing Rules tab.
Lists all of the currently defined locations on your computer. The currently selected location appears in bold text, and its rules apply to any phone calls made from your computer. Double-clicking a location opens the Edit dialog box, where you can make changes to the rules associated with that location.
Allows you to create a new location and specify the rules associated with that location.
Allows you to edit the rules for the currently selected location.
Removes the currently selected location and all rules associated with it. It does not remove any existing calling card definitions.

 Modems tab

The Modems tab lists all modems currently installed on your computer. Use this tab to add, remove, and configure modems.
The Modems tab in the Phone and Modem dialog box
The following table describes the options on the Modems tab.
The following modems are installed
Lists the modems currently installed on your computer, and the communications port your computer uses to communicate with each modem.
Allows you to install a new modem on your computer. If the drivers for your new modem are not already installed on your computer, you will be asked to install the drivers provided by the modem manufacturer.
Uninstalls the currently selected modem from your computer. You should unplug or remove the modem from your computer after uninstalling it, or it could be detected and reinstalled the next time you start your computer.
Allows you to view or change the configuration of the currently selected modem. The options available depend on the make and model of the modem.

 Advanced tab

The Advanced tab lists the telephony providers (software used to communicate with telephony hardware, such as modems) currently installed on your computer. Use this tab to add, remove, and configure providers.
The Advanced tab in the Phone and Modem dialog box
The following table describes the options on the Advanced tab.
Lists the telephony providers currently installed on your computer.
Allows you to add a Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) service provider to the list and make it available to telephony programs. To do this, you must have the drivers for the TAPI-supported telephony hardware already installed on your computer.
Removes the selected TAPI service provider from the list. Removing a TAPI service provider makes it unavailable to telephony programs. It does not delete any files from your computer.
Allows you to view or change the properties of the selected TAPI service provider. If this is unavailable, there are no configurable properties for the service provider.

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