Use Speech Recognition to click anywhere on the screen

You can use Windows Speech Recognition to click anywhere on the screen by overlaying a 3 × 3 square grid on your entire screen. Each square of the grid is numbered; when you say the number associated with a square, the grid zooms in on that square and another 3 × 3 grid is then overlayed on the area. When the item you want to click is located in a numbered area of the grid, you can click it by using the commands listed in the table below.

To display the numbered grid

  1. Click to open Windows Speech Recognition.
  2. Say "start listening" or click the Microphone button to start the listening mode.
  3. Say "mousegrid" to display the numbered grid.

Speech Recognition commands for clicking anywhere on the screen

The following table describes Speech Recognition commands for clicking anywhere on the screen. Words in italic font indicate that you can say many different things in place of the example word or phrase, and get useful results.
To do this
Say this
Show the mousegrid
Click a mousegrid square
Click number of the square
Move the mouse pointer to the center of any mousegrid square
Number of the square; 1; 7; 9
Select an item to drag with the mousegrid
Number of the square where the item appears; 3, 7, 9 (followed by) mark
Select an area in the mousegrid where you want to drag the item
Number of the square where you want to drag; 4, 5, 6 (followed by) click

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